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Alice Poppet


Hello! Typing with plush hands is your swashbuckling stuffed rabbit, Alice Poppet!

After Penny moved out for the first time, suddenly she was able to express herself exactly the way she wanted, and in that expression, her consciousness unlocked the child-like femininity she was forced to repress her entire childhood. That feeling evolved into me.

At first, I was into very child-like things such as plushies (I still love them) and games such as Animal Crossing and Professor Layton. As I got older, I started gravitating toward more adventure-oriented media. Mouseguard takes up a lot of space in my head conceptually, the idea of being prey in a world full of predators, managing to get by with only your wits and teamwork. It was easy to jump from that to movies like Watership Down and Alice's Adventrues in Wonderland.

When I first played The Legend of Zelda on a stream, it was like something unlocked in me. Reading about adventures is one thing, but being able to play them was a revelation. Zelda led me to Undertale, Undertale led me to Omori, Omori led me to Rain World, and so on.

I have to be honest with you. I don't really come out a lot, not as much as Eve anyway. The reason is because this is a very scary world we live in. Too scary for a stuffed animal rabbit anyway. There's still a fear that I won't be accepted by anyone because of my mental illness. Fiction is my escape from a reality that wants me gone, and stories that take place in primal settings help me work through anxieties about modern society.

I'm not saying we need to go back to primitive times, but I do think there are aspects of the old world that are worth preserving, like living in harmony with our planet rather than conquering it, or a communal/cooperative approach to society rather than one that favors selfishness and winning. It takes a lot of work to insight change, but the best place to start is with teambuilding.

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