Poppet Sisters Logo

Penelope Poppet


Hello everyone, my name is Penelope Poppet: Artist, Writer, sometimes Programmer and Filmmaker. I'm a jack of all trades, a penny of all sides, and a total nerd!

If you wanna start tracking my progression as an artist, start at 2018. The life I had before 2018 is irrelevant. Why 2018? Well that was the year I discovered I was transgender! From there, the psychic dam finally gave in to the torrent of identity I've been holding back. Soon I realised I had been living with undiagnosed autism my whole life, and after that my ego committed mitosis and sprang forth a bunny and a demon. Thus, The Poppet Sisters were born.

Art is my entire life. I vividly remember the epiphany I had watching the disc 2 bonus features of Revenge of the Sith at age 5. From then on, I knew I wanted to become an actor. Wait sorry, I meant become a filmmaker. Wait sorry, I mean become an artist! I loved figuring out how art is constructed, and quickly dedicated my life to learning how to make my own art.

As a result, I'm a little all over the place. I have decades of experience drawing character designs, a bachelor's degree in making films, one feature length video game, a few rough drafts of screenplays, a few years worth of video editing under my belt, and a train of thought bunring through idea after idea on an endless railroad.

Even before I discovered my multitude of neurodivergencies, I was obsessed with mental worlds and seeking to understand others. Playing games like Psychonauts and Alice: Madness Returns had a profound influence on the kind of stories I wanted to tell and the way I interacted with other people. Everyone has within themselves a world all their own which they project onto the real world, constructed from the stories they tell about themselves. They inspire me to see the humanity in everyone I meet and forge meaningful connections.

Together, with my headmates Alice and Eve, our goal is to create art that inspires people to see outside of conventional reality, that gets them to think about how we can do better, and motivates us all to change the world.

Image Gallery

Friday Sunset Twelve Feet Deep May Penny 2 Penny 5 Into the Negative Zone